50 siglas importantes

Seguro que mas de una vez te has preguntado que significan algunas de estas siglas. No te quedes mas tiempo con la duda:


  • ASAP: As Soon As Possible (Tan pronto como sea posible)
  • BRB: Be Right Back (Vuelvo enseguida)
  • BTW: By The Way (Por cierto)
  • FTW: For The Win (Para la victoria)
  • FYI: For Your Information (Para tu información)
  • GTFO: Get The Fuck Out (Vete a la mierda)
  • IANAL: I Am Not A Lawyer (Yo no soy abogado)
  • IMHO: In My Humble Opinion (En mi modesta opinión)
  • LOL: Laughing Out Loud (Riendo a carcajadas)
  • LMAO: Laughing My Ass Off (Partiéndome el culo de risa)
  • NSFW: Not Safe For Work (No seguro para el trabajo)
  • OMG: Oh, My, God (Oh, Dios, mío)
  • OMFG: Oh My Fucking God (Oh jodio Dios mío)
  • ROFL: Rolling On Floor Laughing (Revolcándose de la risa en el suelo)
  • RTFM: Read The Fucking Manual (Lee el puto manual)
  • STFU: Shut The Fuck Up (Cierra la puta boca)
  • WTF: What The Fuck (Pero qué coño)

Formatos de archivo

  • DLL: Dynamic Link Library (Librería de enlace dinámico)
  • GIF: Graphics Interchange Format (Formato de intercambio de gráficos)
  • FLAC: Free Lossless Audio Codec (Códec libre de compresión de audio sin pérdida)
  • JPEG: Joint Photographic Experts Group (Grupo conjunto de expertos en fotografía, por sus creadores)
  • MP3: MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 (Capa 3 de audio de MPEG-1)
  • PDF: Portable Document Format (Formato de documento portable)
  • PNG: Portable Network Graphic (Gráfico de red portable)
  • RAR: Roshal ARchive (Archivo de Roshal, por su desarrollador, Eugene Roshal)
  • RPM: Red Hat Package Manager (Gestor de paquetes de Red Hat)
  • FLV: Flash Video File (Archivo de vídeo Flash)
  • WMA: Windows Media Audio
  • WMV: Windows Media Video


  • Ant: Another Neat Tool (Otra fantástica herramienta)
  • GIMP: GNU Image Manipulation Program (Programa de manipulación de imágenes de GNU)
  • GNOME: GNU Network Object Model Environment (Entorno de modelo de objetos en red de GNU)
  • KDE: K Desktop Environment (Entorno de escritorio K)
  • Vim: Vi IMproved (Vi mejorado)
  • Emacs: Editor MACroS
  • NOD32: Nemocnice na Okraji Disku (Hospital al final del disco)
  • Wine: Wine Is Not an Emulator (Wine no es un emulador)


  • ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (Línea de suscripción digital asimétrica)
  • FAT: File Allocation Table (Tabla de asignación de archivos)
  • FTP: File Transfer Protocol (Protocolo de transferencia de archivos)
  • GNU: GNU is Not Unix (GNU no es Unix)
  • GPL: GNU General Public License (Licencia pública general de GNU)
  • GPS: Global Positioning System (Sistema de posicionamiento global)
  • HDMI: High-Definition Multimedia Interface (Interfaz multimedia de alta definición)
  • HTML: Hyper-Text Markup Language (Lenguaje de marcado de hipertexto)
  • HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol (Protocolo de transferencia de hipertexto)
  • P2P: Peer To Peer
  • SEO: Search Engine Optimization (Optimización para buscadores)
  • SMS: Short Message Service (Servicio de mensajes cortos)
  • VGA: Video Graphics Array (Matriz de gráficos de vídeo)
  • WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get (Lo que ves es lo que obtienes)

Via Mundo Geek

Mas de 1000 aplicaciones Twitter

aplicaciones twitter

Listado de mas de 1000 aplicaciones basadas en Twitter.

Raro será que no encuentres lo que estás buscando.

Enlazo las primeras:

  1. 21 Tweets – Helps you change your habits through 21 daily tweets.
  2. Amazing Twitter – Twitter marketing service optimized for iPhone.
  3. ArrivedOK – Tracks your cell phone signal and auto-tweets an «I’m OK» message to selected followers when you turn your phone on after landing.
  4. AskOnTwitter – Collects and displays all tweets containing the phrase «does anyone know.»
  5. Audiotwit – Hear what your friends listen to while surfing the web.
  6. BeatMyTweet – Word scramble game over Twitter.
  7. Boarding – Stranded at the airport? Find fellow travelers.
  8. Booktwo – A project to read books to the world via Twitter, starting with James Joyce’s Ulysses.
  9. Botanicalls – Hardware plus Twitter system that lets your plants notify you when they need water.
  10. Bx – Businessweek’s social networking site using Twitter plus its own Bx network.
  11. C02 Emission with Twitter – Calculate the C02 emission caused by an individual users’ tweets.
  12. Calendar Tweet – Tweet events to followers’ calendars.
  13. CheapTweet – A coupon and deal directory allowing users to vote up the best deals. Penalizes spamming behaviors such as duplicate posts.
  14. CheckYesOrNo.info – Ask the Twitterverse simple yes or no questions.
  15. Commuter Feed – View and post traffic and transit delays.
  16. Cursebird – Tracks popularity of various cursewords in real time.
  17. DefineTwitter – What does Twitter mean to you?
  18. Direct Textbook – DM user textbook with the ISBN of a book to get its Amazon.com price.
  19. DreamTweet – Anonymously Tweet your dream or nightmare.
  20. Flackr – News feed compiled from around the web, including Twitter.
  21. FlixPulse – Keeps track of the positive vs. negative movie reviews tweeted for specific movies.
  22. FlockPoker – Create and host a Texas Hold ‘Em table with a single link; login through a Twitter account.
  23. FluTweet – Tracks illness-related keywords in tweets to find trends in flu epidemics.
  24. Foamees – Track who you owe beers or coffees to.
  25. Fuelfrog – Automatically create a graph of your car’s gas mileage over time.
  26. GTalkTwit – Update Twitter from your Google Talk status.
  27. GtFtr – Fitness tracking with Twitter.
  28. Hanniversary – Service to alert you when you’ve reached a Twitter counts milestone.
  29. Harvest – Time and expense tracking service.
  30. Hashike – Aggregates recommendations using the hashtag #like.
  31. Hollrr – Endorse something that you love.
  32. Hot Tweeters – Like Hot or Not for Twitter users.
  33. HowMuchIs – Tweet an item’s details and the bot will respond with the three best prices for it.
  34. Huitter – View your Twitter feed like a RSS feed.
  35. I Hate Vans – Twitter tribute to the character Francis from Left for Dead based on real Tweets.
  36. I Know Tweet – Ask the Twitterverse for answers using the hash tag #iknowtweet.
  37. iList Micro – Uses hash tags #iwant and #ihave to create a Twitter marketplace that matches buyers and sellers.
  38. InnerTwitter – Sends periodic chimes to alert users to be mindful.
  39. Jabber Twitter Bridge – Checks your Jabber or Google Talk status and updates your Twitter status.
  40. JointContact – Collaborative project management service that can be updated through Twitter.
  41. JustSignal – Helps you sort social media content to get to what you’re interested in.
  42. Krumlr – Simple, quick social networking site that ties into Twitter.
  43. LastTweet – Display your most recent tweet in your Last.fm toolbar.
  44. Lexigraphs – Creates wordart from individual users’ most tweeted words.
  45. LOLWRUS – Converts tweets into lolcat speak and applies them to a random cute animal picture on the web (does not tweet them).
  46. Louder Tweets – Share your reviews for your favorite items via Twitter. Related to blog.loudervoice.com.
  47. Lovetwits – Site for sending anonymous tweets of love.
  48. Media Center Status – Windows app that updates Twitter status with your currently playing media.
  49. MeetNow Live – City-based event finder.
  50. Microrevie.ws – Aggregator for reviews on Twitter.
  51. Mindmeto – Calendar and reminder service for Twitter.
  52. Moochfly – Track what you’ve loaned to who, and direct message reminders to them.
  53. MuZoid – Tweet the name of a band to muzoid and get some info about them in reply.
  54. My Twitter Notebook – Keep notes for yourself on Twitter.
  55. MyCalc – Message this service to turn Twitter into scientific calculator.
  56. MyChores – Schedule and plan your to-do list with Twitter.
  57. Myflightinfo – Get your flight status with a DM.
  58. Mymilemarker – Easy to update mileage tracking service.
  59. Nutritter – Get nutrition info.
  60. OutTwit Me – Collection of Twitter-based games.
  61. Phweet – Talk to your Twitter friends with VOIP for free.
  62. Planypus – A wiki for your social life using Twitter.
  63. Plodt – Plot the things of interest to you.
  64. Portwiture – Randomly grabs photos and inserts from the web that apply to your Twitter status.
  65. Pubcrawlplanner – Easily plan a pub crawl on Twitter; find pubs, pick a theme and use custom invites.
  66. RedTag Tweets – Check the Twitter stream for coupons and deals.
  67. Remember The Milk – Popular to-do list management system.
  68. Roll.The.Dice – Twitter service that lets you generate random numbers through events including rolling dice and flipping coins.
  69. Sad Statements – Sad tweets auto-combined with Flickr images.
  70. Shareaholic – Social bookmarking browser client supporting more than 60 services including Twitter.
  71. Shopseen – Join a shopper’s social network by Twittering pics of local stores.
  72. SickCity – Analyzes the Twitter stream to determine the sickest cities around the world.
  73. Sigpad – Use your Twitter status as an email signature, including photos.
  74. Skibble – Tweet an animated whiteboard and collaborate with others on the board.
  75. Smashing Feeds – Mega compilation of Twitter news.
  76. SnapTweet – Service for quickly tweeting Flickr photos.
  77. Snipt – Easy way to share source code snippets on Twitter.
  78. Song.ly – Tweet a song title or mp3 link and your followers can listen to the song in a Song.ly player.
  79. Sporty Tweets – Stay up to date on your favorite teams.
  80. Spotd – Creates a network of citizen journalists for sharing the news in major cities.
  81. Spreadit.fm – Tool for creating and managing competitions on social networks including Twitter.
  82. Spymaster – Spy game played over Twitter.
  83. StockTwits – Network for stock and investment news.
  84. StoryTeller Me – Collaborative story-telling, poems and interactive fiction via Twitter.
  85. Strawpoll – Tiny daily Twitter polls.
  86. SugarStats – Blood sugar tracking for diabetics by DMing @ss1.
  87. SweetTweet – Tweet a gorgeous birthday cake.
  88. SXSW Lesson – Share the lessons of SXSW and retweet them.
  89. SyncMood – Synchronize Skype and Twitter status.
  90. Tempo – Track budgeted hours, people and projects and update through a variety of methods, including Twitter.
  91. The Bot Project – An attempt to identify all bots on Twitter.
  92. The Twitter Tag Protect – A game of tag on Twitter.
  93. Thwoa – Mashes up Jaikus and tweets in a floating, screensaver-like display.
  94. Tigerbow – Send real, tangible gifts to people over Twitter without needing to exchange physical addresses.
  95. Tlurk – If you and your friend are both Tlurk users, you can view each other’s Twitter timelines.
  96. Toodledo – To-do list program that can be modified through Twitter.
  97. Track Daily Goals – Use the #dailygoals hash tag to track your accomplishments.
  98. TrackThis – Tweet your tracking number and get updates when a package changes location.
  99. Traintext – Get BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) train schedule times on demand.
  100. Tratata – Easily post a message to the public Twitterwall.
  101. Trazzler Buzz – Tracking the most tweeted travel destinations.
  102. Twackle – Sports site and widget that finds tweets relating to your favorite teams, players, leagues and events.
  103. Twaction – Turns @ replies into actions.
  104. Twalala – Filter out and silence unwanted things in your Twitter stream.
  105. Twapper – Mashup of 30Boxes and Twitter.
  106. Twapps – Gallery/listing of Twitter apps.
  107. Twash – Vote the coolness of tweets up and down.
  108. Tweba – A Twitter marketplace using the hashtags #ihave and #wanttosell.
  109. Twecipe – Tweet ingredients to @twecipe and get a recipe in return.
  110. Twee60 – Update your Xbox Live status with your Twitter info.
  111. Tweeght – Stream of deep thoughts on Twitter.
  112. Tweeplecard – Create a free Twitter business card from various designs.
  113. Tweepshoot – Western shootout iPhone game—shoot the most-wanted spammers on Twitter, but don’t shoot your friends.
  114. Tweet My Link – Submit a link to be tweeted to the Twitterverse.
  115. Tweet On The Street – Technology topics rumor network for Twitter.
  116. Tweet Test – Collection of Web-based mini-games using data from your public Tweets.
  117. Tweet Ticket – Can’t use your ticket to an event? Want tickets? Join this network.
  118. Tweetans – Tweet a questions to be answered by experts everywhere.
  119. Tweetaways – If you’ve set up a Twitter-based contest challenging users to Tweet a specific phrase, use Tweetaways to randomly pick a winner from that group.
  120. TweetBrain – Ask questions across the Twitterverse.
  121. TweetCC – Publish and license your tweets with a Creative Commons license.
  122. TweetConvo – View any Twitter conversation as a thread.
  123. TweetCruit – Twitter job recruiting network.
  124. TweetDare – Lets you send a dare or secret message to the next person to register on TweetDare.
  125. Tweetdreams.org – Shows dreams posted to Twitter.
  126. Tweeterology – Displays tweets about the weather, searchable by location.
  127. Tweetfail – A collection of tweets featuring the word «fail.»
  128. TweetFlicks – Share your movie reviews.
  129. TweetLib – Pulls a random tweet and inserts it into a literary passage, often with humorous results.
  130. TweetLinkMonster – Creates an Atom feed of the links tweeted to you.
  131. TweetLister – Tweet real estate listings quickly with a web form.
  132. TweetManager – Web-based Twitter manager.
  133. TweetMart – Classifieds for Twitter.
  134. Tweetmeme – Tracks the hottest links on Twitter in a Digg-like interface.
  135. Tweetmood – Analyzes your last 20 status updates for mood.
  136. TweetPhoto – Easy multi-featured photo sharing service.
  137. Tweetree – Organizes your Twitter stream in tree form to provide context.
  138. TweetRSVP – Answer questions and respond to offers.
  139. Tweets.ws – «An online social news rack of popular topics.»
  140. Tweetshirt.me – Print a tweet on a t-shirt.
  141. TweetSticker – Create a cute sticker with the Twitter bird and your username.
  142. TweetVisor – Web-based Twitter dashboard.
  143. Tweetwasters – Enter your username and calculate how much time you waste on Twitter.
  144. TweetWhatYouSpend – Money tracker exportable to CSV or Excel.
  145. Twenglish – A silly site that translates tweets into «Twenglish.»
  146. Twesents – Send virtual gifts to friends.
  147. Twestival – Twitter events to benefit clean water charities.
  148. Twetris – Flash-based web game combining Tetris and Twitter, forming the latest tweets into blocks.
  149. Twi 5 – Twitter app resource.
  150. Twiddict – Service for the times that Twitter goes down—makes sure your tweets arrive at the intended destination when the service goes back up.
  151. Twiggit – Automatically tweet what articles you Digg.
  152. Twiix – Post your Twitter messages by topic.
  153. Twimme – Searchable display of all contests and giveaways being tweeted about.
  154. Twintoxirater – Fun quiz to rate your Twitter obsession level.
  155. Twippr – Send money over Twitter.
  156. Twirl of Riches – Hangman-style Twitter game.
  157. Twishlistter – Create and share wishlists over Twitter.
  158. Twisten.fm – Collects and shares tweets about songs and plays the songs.
  159. Twistori – Liveupdating graphic stream of the uses of love, believe, hate, feel, think and wish on Twitter.
  160. Twistory – Export your Twitter feed to your calendar application.
  161. Twit2RSS – Read Twitter in your RSS reader.
  162. Twit4trivia – Twitter-based trivia game.
  163. TwitBrain – Twitter game of super-quick calculations.
  164. TwitCal – Online calendar updatable through Twitter.
  165. TwitchBoard – Compiles your received links and sends them to services like delicious.
  166. TwitDiscounts – Twitterwall of discounts and deals.
  167. TwitFuel – Share local gas prices.
  168. TwitIQ – Web-based Twitter UI enhancer.
  169. Twitku – Read both Twitter and Jaiku in one place.
  170. Twitmarks – Application that tries to guess a user’s gender from their Twitter stream.
  171. Twitmoan – A place to complain about users who abuse the Twitter system. Claims to be monitored by Twitter support.
  172. TwitNote – Jot down your notes wherever you are using Twitter.
  173. Twitoku – Play sudoku by Twitter. Follow @twitoku.
  174. Twitpay – Make payments over Twitter using Amazon payments.
  175. Twitplot – Chart/plot on Twitter.
  176. Twitpoop – Lets you poop on anyone on Twitter.
  177. TwitQA – Discover, ask and answer questions via Twitter.
  178. Twitquizzes – Take personality quizzes like «What Twitter celebrity are you?»
  179. TwitRand – Choose a random follower from your list, for use in contests and promotions, etc.
  180. Twitread – Captures tweeted book reviews.
  181. Twitshop – Uses the hash tags #forsale, #4sale and #auction to create a marketplace directory.
  182. Twitspam – Site dedicated to stopping Twitter spam.
  183. Twittascope – Get your horoscope tweeted to you.
  184. Twitter app blog – A daily listing of Twitter apps.
  185. Twitter King Widget – Netvibes Twitter widget.
  186. Twitter Magnets – Play with magnetic poetry words and tweet the results.
  187. Twitter on ThinCloud – Web interface for Twitter for iPhone.
  188. Twitter Poll Daddy – Create a Poll Daddy multiple choice poll.
  189. Twitter Public Timeline Screensaver – Screensaver that posts a new tweet from the Twitter public timeline every three seconds.
  190. Twitter Tees by Threadless – Hip T-shirts about Twitter.
  191. Twitter Weather – Get and send local weather updates.
  192. Twitter2Mail – Monitors search.twitter.com and emails you your @replies.
  193. Twitter411 – Engine that allows you to create a Twitter-based information service.
  194. Twittercal – Connect your Twitter account to your Google calendar.
  195. TwitterGrep – View the most followed news and updates coming out of Twitter. No need for a Twitter account.
  196. TwitterJobCast – Track who’s hiring in the U.S., Canada and the U.K.
  197. TwitterJobSearch – A job search engine for Twitter.
  198. TwitterNonsense – An almost-daily webcomic based on Twitter.
  199. Twittley – Social bookmarking site for Twitter.
  200. Twittonary – A dictionary of Twitter terminology.
  201. TwitTrans – Tweet to twitrans for your Tweets to be translated by humans and sent on.
  202. Twittypop – Asks «who’s the hottest boy or girl on Twitter?»
  203. Twitvine – Grab exposure by including «twitvine» in your tweet. It will be displayed at the site.
  204. Twitzu – Promote your event on Twitter.
  205. Twivaways – Give away things on Twitter.
  206. Twollars – Send «twollars» to show appreciation to tweeple.
  207. Twonate – Donate to your favorite charities over Twitter.
  208. Twonvo – View your Twitter conversations as a thread.
  209. Twoogie M.D. – Tweet from a «Doogie Howser, M.D.» style interface.
  210. Twrctr – iPhone-optimized view of Twitter counter.com
  211. Twrivia – Follow Twrivia to get Trivia questions tweeted to you—tweet your answers.
  212. Twtask – Make simple to-do lists.
  213. TwtBizCard – Create and tweet a business card.
  214. Twtcard – Send a greeting card, invitation or message via Twitter.
  215. Twtjobs – Create a Twitter resume; post a job opening over Twitter.
  216. Twtlst – Create a simple gift registry for any occasion.
  217. Twtpets – Battle of the cute pets. Tweet a pic of your pet and keep track of your pet’s score among users.
  218. Twtpoll – Create Twitter-based polls.
  219. Twtqpon – Coupon creator that helps you distribute through social networking sites.
  220. Twttrlist – Gather your favorite tweets using multiple keywords and make «best of» lists.
  221. Twttrstrm – Ask your followers and gather your answers all in one spot.
  222. Twuoted – Collect great quotes by viewing Tweets marked with #quote tag.
  223. Twurfer – Get and send surf reports from your cell.
  224. Ugomo – Log workouts via Twitter.
  225. UgoTwitt – Get your Twitter replies by email.
  226. Uladoo – Simple and powerful app for collecting any kind of data and charting it via Twitter.
  227. Vayuzillow – Find the estimated value of an address, powered by Zillow.
  228. Verse Of The Day – Get any verse in the Bible tweeted to you by DM. Concordance and Bible dictionary entries also available.
  229. Wantz.it – Easily create wishlists on Twitter, Facebook and Delicious.
  230. Weatherizer – Updates your Twitter background and avatar according to the latest weather.
  231. WeatherSplat – Get daily weather updates tweeted to you.
  232. What do you think about Twitter? – Take a web-based poll.
  233. Whose Tweet? – Web-based game that challenges you to match your friends’ Tweets to their names.
  234. Wordola – Word game of unscrambling letters on Twitter.
  235. Xbox to Twitter – Connects your Xbox Gamertag to your Twitter account; update your Twitter with the Xbox game you’re currently playing.
  236. XboxTweet – Automatically tweet your Xbox achievements.
  237. Xpenser – Record expenses and hours through phone, SMS, IM, Twitter, and more.
  238. YiqYaq – Blends music with text-to-speech readings of tweets and posts from other social networks from your friends.
  239. ZombieTweet – Make your choices to defeat zombies, then tweet about i