Se me había pasado comentar los 2 últimos números de esta buena revista, que además es gratuita, dedicada a la seguridad informática.
En el nº 15 trataron los siguientes temas:
- Proactive analysis of malware genes holds the key to network security
- Advanced social engineering and human exploitation
- Free visualization tools for security analysis and network monitoring
- Internet terrorist: does such a thing really exist?
- Weaknesses and protection of your wireless network
- Fraud mitigation and biometrics following Sarbanes-Oxley
- Application security matters: deploying enterprise software securely
- The insider threat: hype vs. reality
- How B2B gateways affect corporate information security
- Reputation attacks, a little known Internet threat
- Data protection and identity management
- The good, the bad and the ugly of protecting data in a retail environment
- Malware experts speak: F-Secure, Sophos, Trend Micro
El nº 16 tiene los siguientes temas:
- Security policy considerations for virtual worlds
- US political elections and cybercrime
- Using packet analysis for network troubleshooting
- The effectiveness of industry certifications
- Is your data safe? Secure your web apps
- RSA Conference 2008 / Black Hat 2008 Europe
- Windows log forensics: did you cover your tracks?
- Traditional vs. non-tranditional database auditing
- Payment card data: know your defense options
- Security risks for mobile computing on public WLANs: hotspot registration
- Network event analysis with Net/FSE
- Producing secure software with security enhanced software development processes
Y si te perdste números anteriores, aqui tienes todo el archivo